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With our step-by-step process, you will find a rotary encoder type in our range that suits your specific needs. Encoder configurator Configure your encoder and generate the specific data sheet.Now you begin to create a QR Code or Barcode! Online QR Code Barcode Generator is a free, online, real-time to generate QR Code Barcode. Free Online QR Code Generator to make your own QR Codes.The HDPii Plus replaces the previous HDPii printer/encoder platform the most widely-adopted retransfer printer in the financial market place today. New FARGOHDPii Plus Financial Card printer/encoder includes new features and functions designed specifically for financial institutions looking to issue both magnetic swipe and contact/contactless EMV cards.Choose either a dual- or single-sided printer. The Fargo DTC400e ID card printer/encoder from HID is designed to give your organization exactly what it needs: a professional, modular card printing system that's versatile and easy to use.